4 Reasons Judo Is A Great Martial Art For Kids

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Have Some Recreation and Sports Fun If you want to have a good time, you should seriously consider getting involved in some recreational sporting fun. I have just returned from an amazing weekend on the golf course. Before now, I didn't see the point of hitting a very small ball around a big field. However, when you understand the game, it is a lot of fun. The weekend before, I was sailing in a boat and that was exhilarating. Before I was introduced to these activities, my weekends were quite dull. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to get involved and to have some fun!


Every parent understands the importance of keeping their kids active and channelling their energy, and that's one reason kid's martial arts courses are so popular. Martial arts can help keep your children healthy and build their muscles, all while instilling respect and confidence. Martial arts are also a fun activity that kids actually enjoy doing!

Of course, deciding to enrol your child in a martial arts course is really only the first step. You'll also need to decide on which martial art is best for your child. There are plenty of options, but here are just four reasons why judo is great for young ones.

1. Judo Is Not Aggressive

One of the most common issues parents have with martial arts is the idea that they can be aggressive. After all, you want to give your child an outlet for their energy, but you don't want to encourage them to fight. Judo is the perfect answer to that concern since it's focused so much on self-defence rather than attack. Strikes are not included in most forms; instead, the focus is on protecting yourself from the actions of another person. As such, judo is a great exercise but doesn't encourage aggression.

2. Judo Requires Little Equipment

One thing every parent knows is how expensive kid's activities can get. It isn't just the classes themselves but the equipment that can see things start to add up, so it's always nice to find something that requires little investment. If you're checking out martial arts, one thing you'll notice about judo is that it requires nothing beyond the robe itself. That means there's no need to invest in protective gear or additional equipment.

3. Judo Is Great For Kids Of All Sizes

While most martial arts can work for people of all sizes, judo is particularly good in this regard. This is because it focuses on using your opponent's weight and momentum to gain victory rather than on your own strength, meaning even a small opponent can beat a larger one. This means that even kids who haven't hit their growth spurts or who aren't confident physically can still benefit from classes.

4. Judo Is One Of The Safest Martial Arts

Safety is going to be a key concern whenever you're looking at kid's activities. Martial arts might not sound safe, but judo is one of the safest and can actually help prevent injuries. The first lesson is knowing how to fall, so your child will learn how to protect themselves from injuries even away from class. Judo also offers safety benefits due to the lack of strikes involved.

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